New to Telehealth? If you have ever made a video call it is essentially the same.
Here are some tips to get you started.
Getting Ready for your Telehealth call
Make sure you try and find a quiet and private space to talk with your practitioner. A white wall or a plain backdrop is ideal.
Think about what the practitioner will see. Ensure your space is well-lit. Make sure your face will be completely visible without any shadows.
Ensure you also have space to get up or move to show your practitioner things if required.
Ensure you have all necessary medical information with you or you have access to them online. You can transfer files securely through telehealth.
Ensure there will be no background noise and/or distractions. Ask anyone who will be around to avoid interrupting you during the duration of your appointment. Move clutter or distractions away from the space in which you’ll be sitting. Turn phones, TVs and other devices off or on silent so you can focus on talking to your practitioner.
Surprisingly busy clothing patterns can take up more bandwidth! So if you can try and wear something simple that may help (a win for all those Melburnians who like to wear black).
Speaker levels should be at a level that you can hear but quiet enough so that your privacy is protected.
Make sure your device is charged
Keep a charger close by as well. In the event of a Video call failure the consultation will continue over the phone. Ensure your practitioner has your correct number.
Perform a pre-call test
To do this, go to, click ‘start test’ and follow the instructions.
Ensure you have the basic hardware requirements of a video consultation. These include a good quality camera, microphone and speaker. Most modern desktop computers and laptops come with these three elements built-in.